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A member registered Dec 09, 2016

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that not how that works. you cant just have a clear overlay of a goose on top of phone screen. Imagine having a phone that used a desktop. it wouldn't work. The surface can but only when its not in tablet mode

(1 edit)

tip... read the Read me! Honk.txt file. And don't act like a dumb ass in the comments

Also samperson please turn this into a Trojan horse or a computer worm. That would be very good, and it would please the hjonk.

It isn't evil enough, i don't think its possible because it is a overlay but it would be amazing if it could grab your files and close tabs. even if it grabbed on your mouse and made you click and drag that would be awesome.

Thank you!!

i am having trouble making an acid. I can make hcl but i cant seem to make h30+ please help. I have the full version